
Home Crystal Products Crystal Spheres Rodhochrocite Crystal Ball

Rodhochrocite Crystal Ball



The price mentioned is for a single piece only.

Weight – 284gms

Known as the Stone of the Compassionate Heart, Rhodochrosite symbolizes selfless love, moving one beyond mere empathy but stirring one to action on others’ behalf. Rhodochrosite reflects the Light of the heart and love, and stimulates the Heart Chakra.

As the center of emotional activity and personal will, the Solar Plexus Chakra tends to record and store unresolved issues. It free blockages in this chakra, forming a vital bridge between the upper chakras of higher consciousness and the lower chakras of energy, restoring one’s sense of wholeness and confidence to use one’s will in creating one’s reality.

Wearing, carrying or meditating with Rhodochrosite helps make one buoyant and cheerful, dynamic and active. It is highly esteemed for its effectiveness when used in elixirs. Taken internally, it supports the relief of infections, such as ear or sinus infections, stomach ulcers, and other inflammations, as well as digestive disorders, such as constipation and abdominal pain, and aids in strengthening the walls of the intestines. It is highly effective for skin disorders.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg


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